Part 6
v Minutes
(1) Meaning
“As the term suggests” minutes constitute a minute account of the meeting. They record answers to the following questions.
(a) What happened?
(b) When did it happened?
(c) Who was involved?
In other words minutes of the meeting are a replica of the proceedings of the meeting held on a particular date.
(2) Writing of minutes of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting have to be recorded in writing. The minute book is an important document since it serves as legal proof and evidence of all the members of the society as well as concerned other parties who are, in any way, the Co-operative housing society. Further, it can be consulted to see how been resolved in the post.
(3) Recording, Approval of the minutes and the time limit within which the minutes to be recorded
The Secretary of the society is responsible for writing the minutes of all the meetings of the General Body. The Committee should finalise the minutes of every General Meeting of the society within 3 months of the date of the meeting and circulate them among the members within 15 days of the meeting of the committee at which the draft minutes were finalised as specified in the Bye-law No.109.
v Role Of Managing Committee
The managing committee has its own role to play at the general body meeting. It is the responsibility of the Managing Committee to carefully make all the preparations. Prior to the meeting, reports and circulars may be sent to all the members so as to apprise them of matters to be discussed at the meeting. They are also usefull in recording the important events, plans for the creation of funds, justification for increase in charges, explanations regarding items in the accounts statements, expectations of Committee from the members’ etc. this will educate the members and they will attend the meeting prepared. On account of prior information about the matters to be discussed, participants in the deliberations will be specific on points. Misunderstanding and consequent lengthy discussion may thus be avoided. Dialogue between the managing committee and members through such circulars/Reports before the meeting will generate interest in the conduct of meeting. Members gain confidence and feel they are also part of the management and have responsibility to the working of the society. The managing committee should respect the views expressed by the members and should not hesitate to accept good and concrete suggestions made during the meeting. It should also give reasons as to why some suggestions cannot be accepted. Everybody including the Chairman, Secretary, managing committee and the members, has a role to play in the general body meeting and all should work together to make it successful.
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