As directed in Previous Blog, within 8 days of the receipt of the Requisition Notice from the members, the Secretary of the Society shall convene a meeting of the managing Committee to take note of above notice and shall convene within one month a special General Body Meeting and send the said notice with Agenda to all the Members with 14 clear days notice in advance. Their acknowledgement receipt for the notice and Agenda shall be kept in the office of the Society.
Before convening the Special General Body Meeting, the Managing Committee of the society, shall obtain the panel of Architects and project consultants prepared by State Govt. or local self Govt. and call 5 Architects project consultants from the said panel who are well conversant with re-development and building and experts in the field with a request to prepare a Redevelopment Project Report and submit quotations to the society. The said quotations and Project Reports shall be kept before the special General Body meeting.
The following Agenda shall be discussed in the Special General Body Meeting and the decision shall be taken on the following various issues.
(a) To take primary decision on redevelopment after considering suggestions and demands of members.
(b) To appoint an expert and experienced Architect and Project Management Consultant (PMC) from the panel of State Government/Local Government and to finalise the scope of their work with the terms and conditions of their appointment.
(c) To outline in detail the working procedure, in respect of Redevelopment of the Societies buildings.
To receive written suggestion regarding the redevelopment of the Building.
The Members can submit to the committee their suggestions and recommendations for the project and also the names of known expert Architects and Project Management consultants eight days before the date of the meeting. However, these names shall be from the panel prepared by the Govt. /Semi Govt. / Localised/Govt. who shall have then” letter of consent of willingness to work for the project”.
Decision to be taken at special general body meeting
Quorum for the special General Meeting shall be ¾ of the total numbers of members of the society. If there is no quorum the said meeting shall stand adjourned for eight days and the adjourned Meeting shall be convened accordingly. If there is no quorum at the adjourned special General Meeting it shall stand dissolved assuming that members are not interested in the redevelopment of the society’s building.
If there is requisite quorum present at the Special General Meeting as directed above, the meeting shall take congnisance of all suggestions and recommendation objections and directions given by the members for redevelopment of the building. They shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Special General Meeting with their names. The Special General Meeting, thereafter will take primary decisions in principle regarding the redevelopment programme and its implementation by passing a resolution by ¾ of the majority of the members present at the meeting. After passing the resolution as said herein, the special General Meeting shall decide issue as under:
(A) To finalise terms and conditions along with scope of work for appointment of an Architect and Professional Project consultant from the panel of State Govt./local self Govt. who will be entrusted with re-development work.
(B) To present programme for redevelopment of the building to the members.
Proceeding of Special General Meeting
The Secretary of the Society will prepare the proceeding of the Special General Meeting and will circulate copy of the said proceeding to all members within 10 days. He shall keep the acknowledgement of members in the office for receiving minutes. Copy of the same shall be sent to the Registrar’s office of Co-op. societies of the concerned ward where the society is registered.
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