Friday, July 23, 2010

Selection of Developer

(a)   Appointment Of Officer – Representative of Registrar of co-operative societies
The Managing Committee of the society within 8 days shall make an application to the Registrar of co-op, society to appoint his representative to attend the Special General Meeting and in whose presence the Developer shall be selected considering his experience, quality, his financial and technical capability and competitive rates with terms and conditions offered by him. On receipt of such an application, the Registrar will appoint his representative for the meeting.

(b)   Special General Meeting for finalisation of Final Tender
After the appointment of representative of Registrar and with his prior permission after fixing date, place and time of meeting with him, the Secretary of the society shall convene a Special General Meeting, within one month of his appointment giving 14 days notice of time, place and date of meeting and along with the agenda to all the members. The notice shall be sent by hand delivery or by post with their acknowledgement which shall be kept in the office of the society. The society shall invite representatives of the developers to remain present at the meeting.
The Registrar’s office shall make arrangement for presence of his representative in such meeting. The society at its own cost shall provide for video recording of the meeting of the society. The Society shall ensure that no other persons other than the members shall be allowed to remain present and participate in the meeting. For this purpose, the society shall give Identification Card (I.D. Card) to every member for his identification. This is for the members to remain present at the meeting with Identify Card. Decisions regarding redevelopment, scheme and selection of Developer and other decisions shall be made in presence of the authorized representative of Registrar, Co-operative Societies. Such approved proposal shall be sent to the competent authority for approval.

(c)    Absence of required quorum at special General Meeting
Quorum for the Special General Meeting shall be ¾ of the total number of members. If there is 1:10 quorum present at the special general Meeting it shall be adjourned for eight days. If there is no required quorum present at the adjourned Special General Meeting, it shall be deemed that the members of the society are not interested in the redevelopment of building and the meeting shall stand dissolved with remarks that the redevelopment of building proposal shall not be allowed to be presented again in Special General Meeting till completion of a one year period from the date of the dissolved Special General Meeting.

(d)   Work of the Special General Meeting in respect of selection of Developers
The authorized officer of Registrars of Cooperative societies will remain present at above Special General Meeting convened for selection of developer as an observer. On necessary presence of representatives and the officer deputed by the Registrar, and if the proper quorum i.e. ¾ of the total number of members of the society is present, the Special General Meeting Shall transact the following business:

(I)          Comparative information in respect of tenders of redevelopment by selected developers for presentation of their proposals.

(II)       Tenders to be presented in chronological order.

(III)    To approve terms and conditions of one of the developers and finalise and select the said tenders.

(IV)    To take approval of the selected tender.

(V)       To acquaint members about further work of the redevelopment. Consent of ¾ members present at the meeting in writing is a must for appointment of a developer. It should be noted that if the selected developer or his representative is not present at this meeting, it shall be presumed that they have the consent to work. The meeting will undertake other aspects of the redevelopment.

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